They need help

  • Elsa Vanaga

    Elsa is 4.5 years old. At first glance, this is an ordinary girl. She goes to kindergarten and is friends with her peers. A very sociable and cheerful child. Loves mom. Helps as best he can with housework. But she has a very serious illness - childhood autism and delayed speech development.

  • Alexander Viktorov

    Raising a child with special needs is hard work. It is necessary to constantly correct his behavior and monitor him.

How can You help?

  • Share information in the soc. networks

    Share this information to tell other people about children who need help!

  • Donate to fund

    The donation will be used for a child who, unfortunately, did not manage to collect the required amount directly

  • Donate to certain child

    If there is a certain child that you have sympathy for, you can donate directly to him/her by pressing “Donate” on this child project page